
Showing posts from October, 2023

This's LOVE

Romeo and Juliet... Antony and Cleopatra... Lancelot and Guinevere... A great love story that started unexpectedly and ended in tragedy. In reality, life is not like that, it's not a fixed pattern. We can always be in love and out of love...There may be love that we neglected, or we found love unexpectedly. Some couples' relationships may seem smooth from the beginning, but some couples may face many obstacles. We all hope that love can conquer everything... We search for love to win and also look for love to get up again. People who have been knocked down in life can get up again. People who learn from their mistakes grow up to be more complete human beings. ...Therefore, a great love story may not always end in tragedy, sometimes it begins with a new opportunity... .......................... โรมิโอกับจูเลียต... แอนโทนี่กับคลีโอพัตรา... ลานเซลอตกับกวินเวเนียร์... เรื่องราวความรักอันยิ่งใหญ่ที่เริ่มต้นอย่างไม่คาดฝันและจบลงด้วยโศกนาฏกรรม ในความเป็นจริงชีวิตคนไม่ได้เป็นแบบนั้น มั